Just like that we're back with some brand new questions mixed in along with some of our original favorites. This week's featured employee on the get to know blog is Za'Quan. I was lucky enough to still be in the office when Za'Quan started. My first impression was wow this guy is quiet. And if you've been anywhere near a My Way Leases, you know quiet stands out. We employee some of the biggest and most fun personalities I ever met. And I know that's a huge help when it comes to our line of work. Normally customers are coming in asking for our staff by name or our deep into conversation with Keith, or Bud before you can hear the door chime. As a quiet person whose done sales, I wasn't sure what to expect from Za'Quan. Before I knew it, any doubts or questions I had were abruptly answered and then some. While still being quiet compared to My Way Leases standards, to say Za'Quan was a natural, found his groove, was a perfect fit, all seem like gross understatements. Since working with him I can say confidently I would take 1000 Za'Quans' as coworkers. He's one of those people who not only does everything he's supposed to do in a timely, correct fashion, but he goes above and beyond what is asked and expected and does it all with the biggest smile on his face. As a marketing guy I can't appreciate him enough. He responds quickly and with in depth answers, posts, shares and interacts on social media and from day one has put nothing but positive energy into the company. I know you'll have as much fun reading his answers as I did so without further adieu, take some time and get to know Za'Quan!
Q: If you could vacation anywhere with all expenses paid, where would it be?
A: Dubai Q: What is your biggest fear?
A: To fail at life.
Q: What are your 3 desert Island Movies or TV series (Stuck on an Island and it's all you can ever watch)?
A: Sanford and Son, My 600 lb life and Harlem Nights
Q: As a kid, what was your dream job?
A: Police Officer
Q: What two musical artists do you listen to the most?
A: Lil Durk and Money Bagg Yo
Q: What is your all-time favorite food?
A: Mac and Cheese. (My girlfriend does her thing!)
Q: What is your first or favorite childhood memory?
A: Time with my Grandma Doris. RIP 2009, Changed my life!
Q: If you won the lottery what would be your most outlandish purchase?
A: 100 Acres of Land
Q: What would be the must haves if you could design your dream home?
A: Game room, Home Theater my OWN personal toilet!
Q: What is the weirdest snack you like to eat?
A: Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips mixed with peanut M&M's. (FIRE COMBO)
Q: What is your most prized possession and why?
A: The wisdom that I have and common sense. I thank God cause everybody is not blessed with it.
Q: If you could have any exotic animal as a pet, which would you choose and why?
A: An Elephant because it's big, tall, strong etc...but it's also kind of intellegent.
Q: Which actor/actress would you want to play you in a documentary about your life?
A: Lakeith Stanfield
Q: If you could give one show a reboot or one movie a sequel what would it be and what would you want to see.
A: Sanford and son. Same thing; funny, life lessons, just be real
Q: What’s one thing on your bucket list?
A: Go to France
Q: What was your first job? Did you like it?
A: Sweet Frogs down in Ocean City. Free Yogurt and tips sounded good at 16, plus a check?! Shoot!
Q: What recent purchase have you made that you’d be most likely to recommend to someone else?
A: In home camera "Geeni". Help out a lot because I can check on my Lolo. (dog)
Q: What do you want to do when you retire?
A: Enjoy the family I created and live comfortable
Q: If you could pick any topic of trivia to compete for a million dollars what would you pick?
A: Celebrity Name Game
Q: What’s your favorite thing about the area/city/state you live in?
A: The safety the shore brings. We don't worry as much with big storms etc...