A new year means all new trends and fashions. It can be hard to keep up, but it can also be fun. You don’t have to follow every trend, or change your house every time a new fad comes along. I just use these as introductions into new or different styles and if one grabs my attention I go from there and possibly even implement it in my own home. Then again, people have been spending A LOT of time at home the past few years, so many may be slightly more inclined to change their interior more and more. I went over some of my favorite design trends that are hitting 2022 last week. This week I thought I’d focus on some of my favorite color trends that will be featured in 2022. It’s amazing how much a new color or fresh coat of paint can revitalize a room. As someone who's looking to repaint most of his house I am pretty excited to dive in. Make sure to comment or message me if you want to discuss a blog post!

October Mist- The 2022 Benjamin Moore color of the year is a gorgeous hue of green. It gives off a nice earthly feel without being bright or overpowering. I’ve never been a fan of green but this color does it amazing justice. It’s also very versatile and can be matched with many supporting colors.

Bright Skies- The Dulux color of the year is a soft yet inviting blue. This color is absolutely beautiful and could make even the grayest, rainiest days feel like bright blue skies. Pair it with white accents and it’ll look amazing. Seriously, I feel like it would be impossible to be in a bad mood in this room. It’s so cool and inviting at the same time.

Babouche- Yellow is always a controversial color. Some people absolutely love it and some hate it. I’ve always tended to fall on the love side. It seems anyone whose bold enough to go with a yellow paint always does it amazingly, pairing it with a neutral gray or black tone and really making a room pop. This year they are going with a less bright and bold yellow and one with a more buttery creamy feel to it and I’m all for it!

Very Peri- Patone’s 2022 color of the year is the boldest on my list. I don’t think I could ever pull it off but I believe a more creative and daring person could make a room stop you in your tracks with this color. A lively and energetic purple/blue shade, this color would be so much fun to decorate around.

Mysterious- The darkest color on the list but still beautiful in it’s own right. Mysterious is a dark navy blue with an almost black hue. It’s definitely going against the grain of most of the new color trends that feature bright, loud colors. But if it makes sense, this is one of the brightest dark colors I’ve seen. It almost has a glow to it when in contact with natural light. A great choice for anyone who prefers a darker look but also likes to show off a little and not just blend in.

Wild Mustang- In my opinion, red, and any variation of the color, is probably my least favorite and hardest shade to decorate with. I love it in desert or Spanish décor but in a contemporary, modern or coastal theme I just can’t get it to fit in. However, this shade is one of my favorites. It has a washed, tan/red hue and stands out while not hurting your eyes. I also feel like you could go plenty of directions with a room if this was your main color.

Ocean Abyss- The majority of color trends this year feature a shade of blue or green. Ocean Abyss is no different, basically falling somewhere in the middle. WIth this color you get the best of the both worlds. The green gives you a nice earthy feel while the blue hue gives it a nice clean look that would pair well with other shades of green, blue or even white and gray. Like the Mysterious color, this is on the darker side and is brought out beautifully in well lit rooms. Especially rooms featuring a great deal of natural light.