It's almost that time! If you are a procrastinator like me you most likely have waited last minute to pick out and put together an outfit. Whether you're going to a party, costume contest (possibly at My Way Leases this Saturday for a free week off your account and a chance to win a $50 gift card. wink wink) or trick or treating, these costumes will be sure to get a compliment. And most of them are quick, easy and cheap while also being funny and creative. So feel free to use one of these or use it for inspiration to use in your own costume. Don't forget we will be giving away coupons for a week paid off your next agreement to anyone who comes in to a My Way Leases store on Saturday, October 28th. Also anyone who wants to participate will be able to get their photo taken and the costume with the most votes will get a $100 Visa gift card! You definitely don't want to miss out on that. Also make sure to go to our Facebook page after October 29th to vote on your favorite customer and employee costume. The employee with the most votes will also get a prize! Hopefully we see you that Saturday at the store for our costume contest and then everyone has a great Halloween Sunday!
Operation' Costume- I love this one. Now I have to be honest I may be dating myself with this recommendation (Do kids still play operation?) but regardless its a great costume idea. All you need is a gray sweat suit and some red and white felt. Then cut the felt into the pieces from the game and apply the "parts" to your body. Bonus points if you use Velcro and make the pieces removable!
Camp Counselor Costume- Again I'm starting to feel old now. Kids still go to summer camps right?! I'm pretty sure they do! Either way this is a great and simple costume that will both be recognized and loved. Anyone old like me apparently will instantly know what you are dressed as and most likely be flooded with memories from when they went to camp or were a counselor themselves. All you need is some tight khaki shorts, tennis shoes, a tight shirt (preferable a camp shirt) and a head band/wristbands. Bonus points for a whistle and clip board!
Letter Board Costume- I had never seen this before but I love it! All you need is a white t-shirt, some pre cut letters and Velcro! You can customize whatever message you want to show up with and then allow people to add and take away letters to make a message of their own. This is guaranteed to be a hit and will have people begging to get a picture taken with you and their custom message!
The Price Is Right Contestant-I will finish with the most simple yet by far my favorite costume I've found this year. If you're close to my age you probably grew up watching reruns of The Price is right over and over on Saturday mornings/afternoons. From Bob Barker to Drew Carey the show has held up as a timeless classic. All you need for this costume is normal clothes (I'd try and dress like the 90's as this was the peak of the price is right in my opinion) and a yellow name tag like they wore in the show. Best part of the costume is it gives you an excuse to get super hyper and excited throughout the night as if Bob Barker just told you to "COME ON DOWNNN!!!).
Emojis- This is such a fun costume for kids. Every kid has a favorite emoji. Most likely the one that you tell the grandparents is just chocolate ice cream with a face. A yellow t-shirt and some markers or fabric and you’re ready to go.
Identity Thief- This is my kind of costume. So easy and cheap to put together and I actually let out an audible chuckle when I heard about this one. You can wear any normal clothing and just stick a bunch of “Hello my name is ____” stickers on yourself with all different names. Fair warning this is the kind of costume to get you envied at the costume party. You most likely spent the least amount of time and money and yet are getting more compliments than most.
When life gives you lemons-Simple yet genius. For me there’s two options for a Halloween Costume. Go all out or go with simple yet funny. You can wear anything you want with this costume as long as you have a name tag that says “Life” and a basket of lemons to hand out. Bonus points if you have great comedic timing and can hand the lemons out after mistakes like a spilled drink.
Cops and Robbers- I love this idea for a family. Have the parents be the cops and the kids be dressed as little robbers or vice versa. Fun idea is to have one parent have a name tag that says “Good Cop” and one parent have a name tag that says “Bad Cop” and play along with the roles. Would have to get cop costumes but the robber costumes would be very easy to put together.