Hey everyone! Hope you're having a great summer so far! Sorry this post is a little late a week into August but I was on vacation last week. Don't worry, Even though we are 5 days in, there is still a bunch of great things to look forward to this month. For kids, these are the last few weeks before starting school and for parents it's the last few weeks before you get to finally send the kids back to school. For everyone else, it's the last true month of summer before signs of Fall start showing up. If you are a summer person now is the time to finish that summer bucket list and utilize all the nice hot days we have left. If you aren't a summer person you can finally see the finish line and are counting the days till you can turn off the A/C and enjoy some open windows. Like always this list is specific to me so make sure to comment or message in with some of the things you're looking forward to. At the very least, we'll all be exchanging ideas of some fun and interesting things to do this month!
Are You Ready For Some Football?
If you know me at all you know my love for anything football. So it's no surprise that number one on my list of things I'm looking forward to is unequivocally the start of football season. You have NFL preseason, which has started as of last night! Soon College football will be starting and Highschool football starts practice this month. There's something comforting knowing that you'll have a full weekend of football every weekend for the foreseeable future. I don't know why I love football so much as my favorite teams usually cause me nothing but pain, however, it has a hold on me like few things do. Not to mention fantasy football starts! Basically don't plan on seeing or hearing from me on the weekend until February!
White Marlin Open
If you have never been to the White Marlin Open this is your sign to check it out! It's an amazing event with great people and eye opening catches. The White Marlin Open basically takes over OC so it's more than just showing up to a dock and watching fish come in. It's an entire event for the whole family! This event brings people and celebrities' from all over the world and features over a million dollars in prizes.
Super Moon/Meteor Shower
If you were one of the people who got a telescope as a child like me then this section is for you. August will feature a Full Sturgeon Moon, which will peak on August 11. It's the last super moon of the year so make sure not to miss it. But what adds to the excitement is the Perseid meteor shower happening until August 22 but peaking August 11-13th. That mean's on August 11th you will see the peak of both the last super moon of the year and one of the most prolific meteor showers.
Game of Thrones Spinoff
I say this one with a huge err of caution. As much as I loved Game of Thrones, the last season and more specifically the ending might have been the most disappointing season of television for any show ever. Despite what my friends tell me, this is not me "just being dramatic". Game of Thrones was arguably the biggest show of it's kind every and had possibly the worst last season and ending of any show ever. A fall like that has only been seen a few times. But with all that said I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt. They did make a bunch of great seasons and I want to believe they heard the outlast from the last season and learned from their mistakes. I'm hoping this will lead House Of Dragon to look a lot more like the early seasons of Game of Thrones.
Back to School/End of Summer
I always enjoy summer for a bit but by the end I'm ready for the cool weather to roll in and the tourists to roll out. Also, living in Salisbury, I love when the students come back to town. Even though students can often get a bad reputation from locals, I just feel like the city comes more to life when the college is in session. Also I may be biased as I am now a local but started as a student here. Downtown especially has way more life when everyone is here. As of August 3rd, the Dog days of summer are gone so we can also start looking forward to those perfect fall nights and no longer sweating through our clothes just walking to the garage.